For anyone looking for the answer to the “Expression that seems like it would be the opposite of 5-Across?” clue in the NYT Mini Puzzle published on February 29, 2024, your quest is over! You’ll find the answer conveniently displayed on this page. Alongside this particular clue, we’ve also gathered answers for a range of other clues featured in the NYT Mini on our homepage. Feel free to explore and solve away!
“Expression that seems like it would be the opposite of 5-Across?”
Answer: GRIN
NYT Mini Answers for all month
NYT Mini answers in one page for today
But that’s not all—we’ve gone the extra mile to compile a comprehensive list of answers for various other clues featured in the NYT Mini Puzzle. Our homepage serves as a treasure trove for puzzle enthusiasts, offering a wealth of solutions to keep you engaged and entertained. Whether you’re a seasoned puzzler or just dipping your toes into the world of crossword solving, our collection of answers is sure to provide a satisfying challenge. So dive in, explore, and let the joy of solving puzzles fill your day!