NYT is the most popular newspaper in the USA. New York Times subscribers figured millions. They share new crossword puzzles for newspaper and mobile apps every day. We are sharing here all answers for NY Times Mini Crossword on January 16 2025. Scroll down and find them below. All answers together In one page! Enjoy!
- Like a bed with the covers tucked neatly in place NYT crossword clue
- Class you might take to boost your G.P.A. NYT crossword clue
- Function in a Clock app NYT crossword clue
- Take in as one’s own NYT crossword clue
- Period of abstaining from unhealthy substances NYT crossword clue
- Over the top, in slang NYT crossword clue
- Only one of the Seven Dwarfs without a beard NYT crossword clue
- Tiny things studied by chemists NYT crossword clue
- Social ___ NYT crossword clue
- Square on a wall calendar, or a fun thing you might put on the calendar NYT crossword clue
Every day answers for the game here NYTimes Mini Crossword Answers Today